Commenting policy
We invite readers to debate and discuss the issues we cover in the comments section below most articles. We consider that providing a platform for these conversations is an important part of our role in the sector.
We appreciate that there are often strong views in relation to the items we publish, and we welcome impassioned debate. However, we ask that comments remain respectful and address the issues at hand.
Any material from offline communications – including discussions between readers – can only be added to the comments section with the agreement of both parties.
Comments are unmoderated in the first instance, but are reviewed once posted. This can be a resource-intensive process in cases where discussion is particularly busy.
Comments are published or otherwise at the editor’s complete discretion. Comments will definitely be deleted if they:
- violate the law (including copyright) or breach court orders
- are offensive or obscene
- are off topic
- include personal attacks of any kind – it is expected that commenters debate the issues at hand and refrain from ad hominem attacks
- are discriminatory or express prejudice on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, sex, or disability
- impersonate any individual or organisation, other than for the purposes of good natured and obvious parody
- are considered trolling
- contain material that is wilfully dishonest or incorrect
Unmoderated comments are not permitted on some articles. This may be due to the potentially sensitive or polarising nature of the topic, or legal sensitivities. If readers wish to have views on these articles published, they are invited to email the respective contact.
Energy News –
Inside Resources –
Capital Letter –
Comments will not usually be allowed on articles concerning:
- breaches, alleged or actual, of criminal law
- ongoing court cases
- issues of identity including (but not limited to) sex, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or gender
- The Treaty of Waitangi and Tikanga Māori
- circumstances in which individuals have suffered physical harm and/or emotional/psychological distress
Freeman reserves the right to close discussion on a topic if reviewing user contributions is becoming too much of a drain on our limited editorial resources. This may be due to an exceptionally high level of activity, if a conversation has been running for an extended period, or any other reason at the editor’s discretion.
Discussion will be closed if an article attracts multiple comments that require deletion for breaching this policy.
If you think a comment has breached this policy and requires deletion, please notify the contact for the respective publication listed above.
By commenting you agree to fully indemnify and hold Freeman and related entities harmless against any liabilities, claims, costs, loss or damage incurred that may result.
Comments posted on the website are the views of the commenter only and not endorsed by Freeman Media Ltd t/a Freeman, or legally related entities.